International Activities(Water Operators Partnerships):2008-09
Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY 2008 Waterworks Engineering
Waterworks Bureau of the city of Sapporo, as a public utility of an international city, provides this human resources training to help develop waterworks personnel from emerging countries with a strong capacity for innovation in their waterworks management.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
Period: July 6 to September 19, 2008
Main location: Sapporo City
Participating organization and number of participants:
BRAZIL Metropolitan Directory Board Company of Basic Sanitation of São Paulo State – SABESP (2 persons)
JAMAICA Rural Water Supply Limited (1 person)
LAOS Nam PaPa Nakhonluang, Lao Water Supply State Enterprise (1 person)
PERU Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima, SEDAPAL (1 person)
SIERRA LEONE Water Supply Division, Ministry of Energy & Power (1 person)
SOLOMON Solomon Islands Water Authority, SIWA (2 persons)
(Total: 8 persons)
To provide trainees with a broad understanding of waterworks operations and related technologies that they can take back to their home countries and share with colleagues, and to help them cultivate the ability to make comprehensive improvements to waterworks utilities.
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Maintenance of pipelines
Site tour to water feeder and distribution pipe manufacturing plant
Laying and leakage repair of distribution pipes
Comprehensive operation of purification plants
Leakage prevention measures
Practical training on leakage detection
Water quality examination using aquatic organisms
Site tour to membrane processing facilities
Well-digging technologies
Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Waterworks Engineering for Caucasus and East Asia Regions
Sapporo is a large city with population of 2.0 million located in the most northern part of Japan. Positioned at a latitude of 43 degrees north, the city is known for its cold and snowy winters. The Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau has had to overcome various challenges peculiar to cold districts, such as water treatment in below zero temperatures and working with frozen pipes. Through these experiences the Bureau has built up an immense amount of expertise. In 2005, the Bureau launched “The Cold District Waterworks Course” in order to utilize its expertise and technologies for the benefit of cold districts in developing countries that suffer from chronic water shortages. Language for this program has been conducted in Russian.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
Period: January 19 to March 6, 2009
Main location: Sapporo City
Participating organization and number of participants:
ARMENIA Water Production Department, Armenian Water and Sewerage, CJSC (1 person)
ARMENIA State Committee of Water System of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration (1 person)
ARMENIA KATILAK Ltd. (1 person)
ARMENIA JINJ Ltd. (1 person)
ARMENIA Co-ordination Department, Armenian Water and Sewerage, CJSC (1 person)
MONGOLIA Water Supply and Sewerage Authority of Ulaanbaatar (1 person)
MONGOLIA Water Supply and Sewerage Joint Stock Company of Darkhan Province (2 persons)
(Total: 8 persons)
To provide training for waterworks personnel from cold districts in developing countries. Trainees develop a basic understanding of water as a resource, water intake, purification facilities, distribution facilities, supply facilities and so on, and learn about technologies for waterworks planning, design, installation, operation and maintenance, all in relation to cold weather areas. On completing the training, the trainees create an improvement action plan for their home countries.
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Design of purification plants, etc. for cold districts
Maintenance of pipelines
Water supply equipment for cold districts
Leakage prevention measures
Site tour of membrane processing facilities
Jar test
Overall operation of purification plants
Well-digging technologies
Ozonation plants
Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own
【Name of Program】JFY 2008 The Asia Human Resource Development Network Conference (1st Conference)
This Network consisting of waterworks utilities in Asian countries discusses the issues and measures concerning human development in each country in order to achieve mutual development.
The members of the Network are Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, Waterworks Office of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea Water Resources Corporation, Taipei Water Department, Metropolitan Waterworks Authority of Thailand, College of Construction No.2, Viet Nam
Organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
Implementing organization: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
Period: November 20 to November 21, 2008
Main location: Tokyo
Participating organization and number of participants:
KOREA Office of Waterworks, Seoul Metropolitan Government (2 persons)
KOREA Korea Water Resources Corporation (2 persons)
TAIWAN Taipei Water Department (4 persons)
THAILAND Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (2 persons)
VIET NAM College of Construction No.2 (1 person)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau (4 persons)
(Total: 15 persons)
This Network consisting of waterworks utilities in Asian countries discusses the issues and measures concerning human development in each country in order to achieve mutual development.
Training activities: Workshop and site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Human resource development issues
The participants were able to develop a common awareness about continuing strong cooperative relationship in the human resource development in order to further develop waterworks in Asia.
Site tours
Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Yokohama Water Works Bureau’s Technical Cooperation for Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-One Member Company Limited
Under JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project, the Yokohama Water Works Bureau of the City of Yokohama first provided the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with support from fiscal 2000 to 2003 with regard to establishing the Water Sector Training Center run by the College of Construction No.2, which is under the authority of the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction. In fiscal 2002, the Bureau received trainees from Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-One Member Company Limited (COWASU), which is a water utility operated by Hue City, a member of CITYNET (The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements). From fiscal 2003 to 2005, the Bureau implemented a JICA Partnership Program for COWASU and Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) (then Ho Chi Minh City Water Supply Company). In fiscal 2007 and 2008, the Bureau conducted the Project on Human Resources Development for Water Sector in the Middle Region of Vietnam, a JICA Technical Cooperation Project, for COWASU.
Name of Program: JICA Technical Cooperation Project
The Project on Human Resources Development for Water Sector in the Middle Region of Vietnam
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
To declare to the residents of the region that the water purified and distributed by COWASU of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is safe to drink (Safe Water Declaration)
Name of activity:The Project on Human Resources Development for Water Sector in the Middle Region of Vietnam
—Dispatch Experts -
Period:April 6, 2008 to February 28, 2009
Main location:Hue City, Vietnam
Participating organization and number of participants:
Yokohama City Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau (18 persons)
(Total: 18 persons)
Training activities:Dispatching experts to Hue City
Topics covered:
Confirmation of water examination item
Provision of necessary equipment for maintaining adequate water pressure and measuring residual chlorine concentration
Distribution management
Water quality management
Human resources development planning
Customer service
Water distribution network planning
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Country Focused Training Program
-Operation and maintenance of waterworks facilities-
Period:June 30 to July 11, 2008
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited (1 person)
(Total: 1 person)
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Operation and maintenance of electric and mechanical facilities
Inspection of purification plant facilities
Operation, monitoring, and inspection of purification plants
Water meter management
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Country Focused Training Program
-Human resources development-
Period:September 8 to September 19, 2008
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons)
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Personnel Affairs and Organizational Management
Personnel promotions through examination
Salary System
Human Resource Development Programs
Training Programs
Technological transfer system adopting in house training
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Country Focused Training Program
-Customer service-
Period:September 8 to September 26, 2008
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons)
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Public Relations and Hearing Activities
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
P.R. activities for school children
Joint undertakings by the Yokohama water works bureau and the private enterprises
Meter reading
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Country Focused Training Program
-Water quality management-
Period:September 28 to October 18, 2008
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Pesticide analysis with gas chromatography mass spectrometer
Volatile organic carbon analysis with gas chromatography mass spectrometer
Metal analysis with inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer
Algal assay
Bacterial examination
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Country Focused Training Program
-Distribution management-
Period:September 28 to October 25, 2008
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited (4 persons)
(Total: 4 persons)
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Water Supply Operation Plan
Integrated management of waterworks facilities
Designing distribution-pipe installation-work/supervising practicing of the work
Management of as-built drawing
Operation and maintenance of water service installation
Water meter management
Water Supply Block System(District Meter Area(DMA))
leakage prevention measures/leakage detection training
Yokohama City Water Works Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Urban Waterworks Engineering
The Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development(TICAD Ⅳ) held in Yokohama in May 2008 marked the start of the Yokohama Water Works Bureau’s three-year project for training waterworks professionals from African countries. The initiative is undertaken in conjunction with JICA, and contributes to enhancing waterworks environment in Africa.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization:Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
Period: January 9 to January 30, 2009
Main location: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
EGYPT Cairo Water Company (CWC), Holding Company for Water and Waste Water (1 person)
EGYPT National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage (1 person)
GHANA Ghana Water Company Limited (4 persons)
KENYA Embu Water and Sanitation Company Limited (1 person)
MALAWI Lilongwe Water Board (1 person)
MALAWI Northern Region Water Board (1 person)
SAO TOME and PRINCIPE EMAE-Company of Power and Water (1 person)
SOUTH AFRICA Breede Valley Municipality (1 person)
SUDAN Public Water Corporation (1 person)
ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (1 person)
(Total: 13 persons)
To raise awareness among the trainee water engineers about the need to manage water utilities from a comprehensive perspective and to encourage them share this awareness and the specific improvement measures developed in accordance with this principle with their colleagues back home
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Tour of water-intake/storage/transmission and distribution facility
Water quality management
Leakage prevention measures/leakage detection training
Water resource preservation
Water right/water supply planning/water demand prediction
Distribution management
Operation and maintenance of water service installation
Water meter management
Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Water Supply in Small and Medium Scale Cities in Central Asia
In partnership with JICA, Waterworks Bureau of the City of Yokohama has provided training to waterworks personnel from Central Asian countries under a five-year project launched in fiscal 2006 as a cooperative initiative to help improve water utilities in these countries.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization:Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
Period: February 2 to February 27, 2009
Main location: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
KAZAKHUSTAN Committee of Water Resources. Ministry of Agriculture (2 persons)
KAZAKHUSTAN Esil-Su Republic State Enterprise (1 person)
KYRUGYZSTAN Cholponata Vodokanal (1 person)
KYRGYZSTAN Osh Municipal Enterprise “Oshgorvodokanal” (2 person)
TAJIKISTAN State Unitary Company “Dushanbevodokanal” (1 person)
TAJIKISTAN Department of Rural Drinking Water of the Khatlon Region (1 person)
TAJIKISTAN Rural Water Supply Agency of Khuroson Region (1 person)
UZBEKISTAN Tuyamuyun-Nukus, Inter Regional Water Pipe Explantation Management (1 person)
UZBEKISTAN Yangiyul Filial Industrial Enterprise, Suvokova (1 person)
(Total: 11 persons)
The training program will first provide an overview of Japanese water utilities, facility operation/maintenance, and management. Based on this introduction, participants will create water-related improvement plans in their respective areas of expertise. This is expected to have a positive impact on their activities back home.
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Tour of water-intake/storage/transmission and distribution facility
Water quality management
Leakage prevention measures/leakage detection training
Water resource preservation
Water right/water supply planning/water demand prediction
Distribution management
Water utility management
Water tariff collection
Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Waterworks Technical Exchange Program
The Cities of Yokohama and Shanghai have promoted friendly exchanges in a variety of areas since becoming sister cities in 1973 and have achieved a number of positive outcomes. On October 26, 2008, the Cities signed the Yokohama-Shanghai Friendship Agreement with the aim of further developing their friendship exchanges. Under this agreement, the City of Yokohama provides general technological training to water engineers from Shanghai.
Organizer: Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
Implementing organization: Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
Period: November 30 to December 13, 2008
Main location: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Shanghai City Shanghai Municipal Control &Monitor Center of Water Supply (1 person)
(Total: 1 person)
To improve the management of Shanghai’s water utility by empowering its personnel to come up with solutions through the problem-solving training provided by the City of Yokohama
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Tour of water-intake/storage facility
Operation and maintenance of surface-water intake facility
Water quality management of purification process
Contingency planning for purification plants
Water quality consultation and diagnosis
Management of storage-tank water quality
Distribution-network water quality management
Contingency planning for water quality management
How to distinguish spring water from leaked water on the ground
Leakage prevention
Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Partnership with CITYNET
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Yokohama Training Program
Waterworks Bureau of the City of Yokohama has conducted training program under its own initiative since 1987, the year that marked 100 years since the beginning of modern waterworks. These activities have contributed to enhancing the capacity of water utilities in Asian and other countries. As part of the initiative, the Bureau has also been providing training in partnership with CITYNET (The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements) since 1999.
Organizer: Yokohama Waterworks Bureau, CITYNET
Implementing organization: Yokohama Waterworks Bureau, CITYNET
Period: November 30 to December 13, 2008
Main location: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
INDONESIA Clean Water Corporation of Banda Aceh (PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh) (1 person)
INDONESIA Water Supply Enterprise in Medan City (PDAM Tirtanadi) (2 persons)
TAIWAN Taipei Water Department (1 person)
VIET NAM Saigon Water Corporation (1 person)
(Total: 5 persons)
To improve the management of water utilities in the relevant CITYNET member cities by providing waterworks personnel with problem-solving training conducted by the City of Yokohama
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Tour of water-intake/storage facility
Operation and maintenance of surface water intake facility
Water quality management in purification process
Contingency planning for purification plants
Water quality consultation and diagnosis
Management of storage-tank water quality
Distribution-network water quality management
Contingency planning for water quality management
How to distinguish spring water from leaked water on the ground
Leakage prevention
Saitama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Vientiane and Major Cities in Laos Technical Cooperation Project
Since 1992, Saitama City Waterworks Bureau has helped waterworks personnels train in Laos through the dispatch of JICA experts and other efforts. From 2006 to 2008, the bureau provided assistance by participating in the JICA grassroots technical cooperation project based on a local proposal. In 2009, it also took part in the JICA technical cooperation project. In 2010, the bureau launches a new partnership program in conjunction with Vientiane City.
Name of Program: Waterworks Infrastructure Improvement Project for Supply and Distribution Pipe Maintenance
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Saitama City Waterworks Bureau
To provide training on the maintenance of water supply and distribution pipes for the prevention of leaks both through the dispatch of Saitama City Waterworks Bureau personnel to Laos and Japan-based programs for Laotian trainees.
Name of activity: Waterworks Infrastructure Improvement Project for Supply and Distribution Pipe Maintenance
—Training in Japan -
Period:May 8 to June 11, 2008
Main location:Saitama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Vientiane City Vientiane Capital City Waterworks (1 person)
Khammuane Province Khammuane Province Waterworks (1 person)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Water leak detection
Construction of water service installation
Maintenance of pipelines
Leak repair
Name of activity: Follow-up training by Saitama City Waterworks Bureau personnel
Period:August 4 to August 23, 2008
Main locations: Vientiane City and Thakhek district in Khammuane Province, Laos
Participating organization and number of participants:
〈Vientiane City〉
Saitama City Saitama City Waterworks Bureau (4 persons)
Ministry of Public Works and Transport Ministry of Public Works and Transport, MPWT (13 persons)
Vientiane City Vientiane Capital City Waterworks (10 persons)
Each province Waterworks Bureaus in each province (36 persons)
〈Thakhek district in Khammuane Province〉
Saitama City Saitama City Waterworks Bureau (4 persons)
Ministry of Public Works and Transport Ministry of Public Works and Transport, MPWT (4 persons)
Vientiane City Vientiane Capital City Waterworks (2 persons)
Each province Waterworks Bureaus in each province (21 persons)
(Total: 92 persons)
Training activities: On-the-job training, workshop and seminar in Laos
Topics covered:
Operation of leak prevention equipment
Leak prevention measures
Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Mexico City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
Nagoya City Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau began cooperation on technical issues with Mexico City, Nagoya’s sister city, following the JICA Special Training Course on Water Leakage Prevention for Latin America, first held in 1998. In 2005, it launched “the JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project” and is currently contributing to the development of model areas with safe tap water.
Name of Program: Mexico Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
To improve the technology to control the quality of drinking water
Name of activity: Mexico City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
- Overseas training -
Period:June18 to July 11, 2008
Main location:Mexico City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Nagoya City Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Research and classroom-based learning in Mexico City
Topics covered:
Site tour to purification plant, water quality examination room, etc.
Planning of chlorine injections
Management and operation of distribution pipe network block system
Name of activity:Mexico City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
- Training in Japan -
Period:September 5 to October 3, 2008
Main location:Nagoya City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Mexico City Mexico City Water System (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training and site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Water quality control technology
Management and operation of water distribution block
Reuse of treated wastewater
Sequence technology
Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Non-Revenue Water Management
This program deals with leakage prevention and other technologies for controlling non-revenue water with the aim of updating the trainees’ knowledge and technological understanding so that they may serve as lead personnels on this issue upon return to their home countries. The 2008 training was conducted over a period of one and a half months from October 20 through December 5 with nine participants from eight countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization:Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
Period: October 20 to December 5, 2008
Main location: Nagoya City
Participating organization and number of participants:
BANGLADESH Chittagong Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (1 person)
BOLIVIA Department of Infrastructure, Empresa Publica Social de Aguay Saneminet, EPSAS (1 person)
PERU Engineering Department, EPS GRAU S.A (1 person)
PHILLIPPINES Local Water Utilities Administration (1 person)
TANZANIA Zanzibar Water Authority Ministry of Water, Construction, Energy & Land (1 person)
TURKEY Department of Preliminary Survey Planning & Road, General Directorate of Iller Bank (1 person)
TURKEY Istanbul Water & Sewerage Administration (1 person)
EGYPT Leak Detection Department, Holding Company for Water & Wastewater (1 person)
SLILANKA Western Central Division of National Water Drainage Board (1 person)
(Total: 9 persons)
To teach trainees about Japan’s methods and systems for waterworks maintenance so that they may apply what they learn in their work practices in their home countries.
Training activities:Classroom-based training, practical training and site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Leakage prevention measures during the planning phase
Leakage prevention measures during the design phase
Leakage prevention measures during the construction and maintenance phase
Technical training on pipe joining, snap tap drilling and assembly of water supply equipment
Practical training on leakage detection using various detectors
Site tour of pipe, meter, valve, etc. manufacturing plant
Niigata City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Programs between waterworks personnel from Niigata City and Harbin City
As part of a waterworks technology exchange program between the two friendship cities of Harbin and Niigata, this training is intended to contribute to the improvement of waterworks technology in Harbin and to further strengthen ties between the two cities.
Organizer: Niigata City, Harbin City
Implementing organization: Niigata City Waterworks Bureau
Period:July 9 to October 8, 2008
Main location: Niigata City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Harbin City Harbin Water Supply and Drainage Group Co. (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
To equip trainees with skills and technologies for solving problems in Harbin’s waterworks operations. Issues addressed will include pipeline planning, purification, water quality examination, leakage prevention and more.
Training activities:Opinion exchange, site tour, etc.
Topics covered: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
General planning of waterworks facilities and pipelines
Operation management of purification plants
Water quality control
Distribution pipe installation
Water supply equipment
GIS and leakage prevention
Tours to other cities
Osaka City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply Systems
Since 1994, Osaka City Waterworks Bureau through this program has helped ensure a stable supply of safe drinking water in urban areas in developing countries by promoting the effective utilization of existing waterworks facilities. As of the 2008 program, the numbers of participants came up to 115 from 50 countries to date.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau
Period: June 2 to July 22, 2008
Main location: Osaka City
Participating organization and number of participants:
ALBANIA Water supply and Sewarage Tirana (1 person)
BANGULADESH Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (1 person)
IRAQ Directorate of Water Resource Kirkuk Province, Ministry of Water Resources (1 person)
JAMAICA National Water Commision, Ministry of Water & Housing (2 persons)
LAOS Water Supply Division(WSD), Dept. of Housing & urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport (1 person)
NEPAL Department of Water Supppy and Sewerage, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (1 person)
PAKISTAN Karachi Water and Sewerage Board, Karachi (1 person)
PAKISTAN Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA), Rawalpindi Development Authority, Rawalpindi (1 person)
PHILIPPINES Local Water Utilities Administration (1 person)
(Total: 11 persons)
To assist in the professional development of technical staff responsible for the maintenance of urban waterworks facilities by providing information on Japanese waterworks projects
Training activities: Classroom-based lectures, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Water purification
Operation management and maintenance of purification plants
Water quality control
Maintenance of electric and machinery facilities
Maintenance of pipelines
Maintenance of water service installations
Practical training on various types of pipeline maintenance work
Practical training on water leak detection
Practical training on leakage repair
Site tour of purification plant
Site tour of waterworks memorial hall
Site tour of waterworks equipment manufacturing plant
Osaka City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Sister City Exchange Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Waterworks Technology Exchange between Osaka City and Shanghai City
Osaka City Waterworks Bureau has been exchanging waterworks technologies with Shanghai City since 1988 as part of activities under the Friendship City agreement of 1974. The two cities exchange technologies on predetermined themes through reciprocal dispatch of four to five trainees.
Organizer: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau, Shanghai Water Authority
Implementing organization: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau, Shanghai Water Authority
Period:December 1to December 3, 2008
Main location: Osaka City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Shanghai City Shanghai Water Authority (5 persons)
(Total: 5 persons)
To exchange technologies through discussions on specific waterworks technologies, a site tour of facilities and more.
Training activities:Opinion exchange, site tour, etc. in Japan.
Topics covered:
Securing water resources
Monitoring of water quality and early warning systems
Water distribution pipes and water distribution network
Management of water distribution facilities
Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Water Supply Management for Middle Eastern Countries
- Maintenance of Distribution Pipeline and Leakage Prevention –
Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau had engaged in this training since 2003. It has common programs for all trainees, as well as independent research programs in which trainees work in groups. Since 2008, the training has been conducted according to the new curriculum revised based on the past experience.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau
Period:July 22 to August 22, 2008
Main location: Hiroshima City
Participating organization and number of participants:
EGYPT National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage, NOPWASD (1 person)
JORDAN Water Authority of Jordan, WAJ Ministry of Water and Irrigation (1 person)
SYRIA Establishment of Drinking Water and Sewerage in Rural Damascus, Ministry of Housing and Construction (1 person)
YEMEN Technical Department, Sana’ a Water and Sanitation Local Corporation, SWSLC (1 person)
YEMEN Department of Projects, National Water and Sanitation Authority-Head office (1 person)
(Total: 5 persons)
Launch of consideration for improvement plan on distribution pipe network project and leakage prevention project at the organizations that trainees belong to
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Presentation of country report
Maintenance of distribution pipe network
Leakage prevention
Independent research: Functional assessment of distribution pipeline and establishment of improvement plan
Independent research: Systematic detection and repair of underwater leakage
Shimonoseki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】Sister City Exchange Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Technical Exchange Program with Qingdao Hairun Waterworks Group Co., Ltd.
This mutual exchange program for technical personnel, first started in June 2000, marked its 9th anniversary in 2008. The acceptance of 18 technical personnels into the program has contributed to technological improvements in waterworks operations at the same time as facilitating friendship exchange between the two sister cities of Qingdao and Shimonoseki.
Organizer: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City
Implementing organization: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City
Period:October 20 to November 6, 2008
Main location: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Shimonoseki City Staff of Shimonoseki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau (2 persons)
Qingdao City Qingdao Hairun Waterworks Group Co., Ltd. (2 persons)
(Total: 4 persons)
To facilitate technological improvements in waterworks operations and promote friendly relations between sister cities Qingdao and Shimonoseki by exchanging technical personnel and working together on common challenges and other issues faced by waterworks utilities.
Training activities:Dispatch of two personnel from each city to the partner city
Topics covered:
Planning and design of waterworks facilities
Maintenance of supply and distribution pipes
Maintenance of purification plants
Training program focused on technical aspects
Matsue City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】CLAIR/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Yinchuan City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
Under the friendship agreement concluded between Matsue city and Yinchuan City in 2004, the two cities have been undertaking a waterworks technical cooperation project since fiscal 2007 based on a request from Yinchuan City. As an initiative under the Local Authorities International Cooperation Promotion Projects (“Model Projects”) program organized by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR,) travel fees and other expenses have been subsidized by CLAIR, and waterworks engineers from the two cities have been reciprocally dispatched to receive trainings.
Name of Program: Yinchuan City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
Organizer: CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations)
Implementing organization: Matsue City Waterworks Bureau, Yinchuan Water Supply Company
To work toward solving problems experienced by the Yinchuan City water utility through the transfer of Japanese waterworks technology
Name of activity:Yinchuan City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
- Tours of local waterworks facilities -
Period:June 15 to June 22, 2008
Main location:Yinchuan City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Matsue City Matsue City Waterworks Bureau (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Local observation tours
Topics covered:
For participants to develop an understanding of the current situation of Yinchuan City water utility
Name of activity: Yinchuan City Waterworks Technical Cooperation Project
- Training in Japan -
Period:July 3 to July 23, 2008
Main location:Matsue City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Yinchuan City Yinchuan Water Supply Company (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning and site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Water distribution system
CAD calculation system
Integrated water distribution management system
Advanced purification
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Providing Cambodia with Technical Cooperation
Since fiscal 1999, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau has been dispatching experts to Cambodia under JICA programs and contributing to the enhancement of operational, maintenance, and management technologies of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA). Since fiscal 2003, the Bureau has also contributed to fostering the PPWSA’s human resources under JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project.
The Bureau is currently participating in JICA’s project to implement the PPWSA project, which has already proven successful, in eight regional cities in Cambodia.
Name of Program: The Project on Capacity Building for Water Supply System in Cambodia Phase 2
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
To foster human resources development with the aim of enhancing the capacity of water authorities of eight major cities in Cambodia with regard to water distribution management, proper operation, maintenance, and management of purification plants, and water quality management
Name of activity: The Project on Capacity Building for Water Supply System in Cambodia Phase 2
— Dispatching experts -
Period:April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009
Main location:Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Cham, Kampot, Kompong Thom, Svay Rieng
Participating organization and number of participants:
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Chief Advisor (1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Purification Process (2 persons)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Water Quality Laboratory (1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Pipeline Planning & Design (1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Pipeline Installation (2 persons)
Cambodia Department of Potable Water Supply, Ministry of Industry, Mining and Energy (many persons)
Siem Reap City Siem Reap City Water Supply Authority (many persons)
Shianoukville City Shianoukville City Waterworks (many persons)
Battambang City Battambang City Waterworks (many persons)
Pursat City Pursat City Waterworks (many persons)
Kampong Cham City Kampong Cham City Waterworks (many persons)
Kampot City Kampot City Waterworks (many persons)
Kompong Thom City Kompong Thom City Waterworks (many persons)
Svay Rieng City Svay Rieng City Waterworks (many persons)
(Total: many persons)
Training activities:Dispatch of expert to Cambodia
Topics covered:
Purification technology
Water Quality Laboratory
Operation of chlorine treatment facility
Pipeline planning and designing
Pipeline installation
Leakage detection
Name of activity: 2008 JICA Country Focused Training, Cambodia
O&M of Pipeline Facilities
Period:May 13 to July 11, 2008
Main location:Kitakyushu City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Siem Reap City Siem Reap City Water Supply Authority (1 person)
Kampong Cham City Kampong Cham City Waterworks (1 person)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Practical training on pipeline planning
Practical training on pipeline design
Pipeline installation (execution management)
Pipeline operation and maintenance (leakage detection)
Name of activity: 2008 JICA Country Focused Training, Cambodia
O&M and Purification Plant Management
Period:May 13 to July 11, 2008
Main location:Kitakyushu City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Participating organization and number of participants:
Siem Reap City Siem Reap City Water Supply Authority (1 person)
Shianoukville City Shianoukville City Waterworks (1 person)
(Total: 2 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Practical training on facility inspection and maintenance
Electric engineering
Mechanical engineering
Handling chlorine gas
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Providing Dalian with Technical Cooperation
Since fiscal 2001, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau has been extending technical cooperation to Dalian city under JICA and CLAIR programs and contributing to the leakage prevention and improvement of water quality of the Dalian city. Since fiscal 2008, the Bureau has also contributed to technical cooperation in eight regional cities around Dalian city.
Name of Program: Technical Cooperation for H.R.D. in P.R. China through Dalian W.S.C.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau, Kitakyushu Water & Sewer Association
To foster human resources development with the aim of enhancing the capacity of water authorities of eight major cities in Cambodia with regard to water distribution management, proper operation, maintenance, and management of purification plants, and water quality management
Name of activity: Technical Cooperation for H.R.D. in P.R. China through Dalian W.S.C.
— Seminar -
Period:August to December, 2008
Main location:Dalian city, Wafangdian city, Pulandian city, Zhuanghe Shi City, Changhai of Dalian,
Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone (DDZ)
Participating organization and number of participants:
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau (4 person)
Dalian City Dalian Water Affairs Bureau (many persons)
Related Water Utilities (many persons)
(Total: 56 persons)
Training activities:Held seminars in Dalian
Topics covered:
To determine about water utilities face in the field of technologies, and share information at the seminar.
Name of activity: JFY2008 JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project
Technical Cooperation for H.R.D. in P.R. China through Dalian W.S.C.
Period:October 9 to November 7, 2008
Main location:Kitakyushu City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Dalian City Dalian Water Supply Co. Ltd (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Water quality test
Management of water distribution facilities
Management of water purification facilities
Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Technical Training on Water Supply Management Using the Slow Sand Filter System
This training program has been implemented as part of the JICA Partnership Program from fiscal 2006 to 2008. This program contributes to enhancing the technical capabilities of waterworks engineers in the Asia-Pacific region with regard to the proper management and repair of slow sand filter systems and to strengthening their expertise in the operation of small- and medium-scale water utilities, by providing training in Japan and dispatching experts overseas.
Name of Program: Technical Training on Water Supply Management Using the Slow Sand Filter System
Organizer: JICA
Training Provider: Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau
To enhance the technical capabilities of waterworks engineers in target countries with regard to proper management and repair of slow sand filter systems and strengthen their expertise in the operation of small- and medium-scale water utilities.
Name of activity: Technical Training on Water Supply Management Using the Slow Sand Filter System
—Training in Japan -
Period:October 5 to November 1, 2008
Main location:Miyakojima City
Participating organization and number of participants:
NEPAL Water Supply & Sanitation Division office, Department of Water Supply Sewerage (1 person)
SAMOA Asset Division, Samoa Water Authority (1 person)
SOLOMON Engineering Division , Solomon Islands Water Authority (1 person)
(Total: 3 persons)
Training activities:Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
(main island of Okinawa, Miyakojima Island, and Ishigakijima Island)
Topics covered:
Technical guidance and classroom-based learning on the slow sand filter system
Creating a simplified model of the slow sand filter system
Practical training on renewal of filter surface (acquisition of know-how)
Overview of technical guidance on the slow sand filter system (including pretreatment)
Management of the purification facility (including practical training)
Water quality management (including practical training)
Name of activity: Technical Training on Water Supply Management Using the Slow Sand Filter System
- Dispatching experts and providing guidance -
Period:November 8 to November 18, 2008
Recipient: Samoa Water Authority, Apia, Samoa
Participating organization and number of participants:
Miyakojima City Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau staff (1 person)
Shinshu University Shinshu University Professor Emeritus (1 person)
Samoa Samoa Water Authority (10 persons)
(Total: 12 persons)
Training activities:Guidance provided by experts dispatched from Japan
Topics covered:
Tour of local waterworks facilities
Classroom-based learning and technical guidance on the slow sand filter system
Technical guidance on water utility operation
Technical guidance on waterworks facility management
Japan Water Works Association
【Category】JICA Group Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Engineering on Water Supply Systems
This technical training program for mid-level waterworks engineers from developing countries has been held for many years. The program of this year marks 41st one. So far a total of 526 trainees from about 90 countries and regions have participated.
The program features a number of observation tours and drills to enable trainees to see with their own eyes the technologies adopted in Japan and gain hands-on experience with the aim of offering practical training.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Japan Water Works Association
Period: May 26 to August 5, 2008
Main location: Tokyo
Participating organization and number of participants:
BANGLADESH Chitttagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, WASA (1 person)
CUBA Investigation and Project Hydraulic Enterprise (1 person)
EGYPT National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage, NOPWASD (1 person)
IRAN Power & Water University of Technology, Ministry of Energy (1 person)
NEPAL Department of Water Supply and Sewerage, Ministry of Physical and Works (1 person)
PANAMA Institute for National Water Supply and Sewerage, IDAAN (1 person)
PHILIPPINES Local Water Utilities Administration, LWUA (1 person)
EAST TIMOR National Directorate for Water and Sanitation Services (1 person)
(Total: 8 persons)
To foster the development of engineers who will take on leading roles in the operation of waterworks facilities, focusing on the acquisition of skills for preparing construction plans for waterworks facilities.
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Facilities for water intake, storage, transmission, and distribution
Jar test
Leakage prevention measures
Drills on preparation of basic waterworks plan
Tour of a waterworks materials and equipment manufacturing plant
Earthquake-resistant construction method and earthquake disaster countermeasures
Groundwater technology
Membrane process technology
Water demand prediction and pipeline hydraulics
Japan Water Works Association
【Category】JICA Country Focused Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2008 Bolivia Regional Waterworks Training
This training program has been implemented as part of the technical cooperation project named “Water is Health and Life Phase 2,” which has been undertaken by JICA in Bolivia since June 2008 with the aim of building the capacity of Bolivia’s water authorities with respect to water supply operation and maintenance using a groundwater source.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Japan Water Works Association
Period: August 27 to September 12, 2008
Main location: Tokyo, Osaka
Participating organization and number of participants:
BOLIVIA Proyecto de Desarrollo de Agua Subterranea, Santa Cruz Prefecture (1 person)
BOLIVIA Oruro Prefecture (1 person)
(Total: 2 persons)
The training is targeted at the water authority heads of the two prefectures in which the Regional Offices of the “Water is Health and Life” Technical Center are situated. The training is designed to help the trainees to understand how Japanese water utilities operate and to contribute to the strengthening of Bolivia’s water service in rural areas.
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, site tours, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Tour of a waterworks facility using groundwater
Waterworks using a groundwater source
Tour of an ecological sanitation facility
Well-excavation technology and well operation and maintenance: Tour of an excavation equipment manufacturing plant
Operation management and repair of pumping facility
Tour of a groundwater purification plant using iron bacteria
Tour of the staff training facility of the Nagoya City Waterworks and Sewage Bureau
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