International Activities(Water Operators Partnerships):2011-12
Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Waterworks Engineering 【Outline】 Waterworks Bureau of the city of Sapporo, as a public utility of an international city, provides this human resources training to help develop waterworks personnel from emerging countries with a strong capacity for innovation in their waterworks management.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau Period: August 8 to October 14, 2011 Main location: Sapporo City Participating organization and number of participants:
BANGLADESH Assistant Engineer (Civil), Karnaphuli Water Supply Project, Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives (3 person)
MALAWI Civil Engineer, Water Supply Services Department, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development (3 person)
MAURITIUS General Directorate of Water and Sewage Ministry of Municipality & Tourism (1 person)
NEPAL Assistant Manager, Water Supply Operation Department, Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Ltd. (1 person)
SWAZILAND Regional Manager, Operations Department Swaziland Water Services Corporation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (1 person)
TANZANIA Water Network Engineer,Zanzibar Water Authority,Ministry of Land, Housing, Water and Energy (1 person)
(Total: 10 persons) Objective: To provide trainees with a broad understanding of waterworks operations and teach them practical methods that they can use to address issues in their home countries. Trainees are required to implement the action plans they develop and report their progress to JICA within six months. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Introduction to planning for water supply Forecast for demand Planning for distribution pipe installation Maintenance and management of pipelines Site tour to installation of water-supply pipe and distribution pipe Laying and leakage repair of distribution pipes Distribution network analysis (EPANET:EPANET is public domain software which models water distribution piping systems and developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) Comprehensive operation and management of purification plants Practical training for purification, Jar test, etc Design for purification plants Leakage prevention measures Practical training on leakage detection Site tour to membrane processing facilities Well-digging technologies Water quality examination using aquatic organisms Other
Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program
【Name of Program】JFY2011 Waterworks Engineering for Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia
Sapporo is a large city with population of 2.0 million located in the most northern part of Japan. Positioned at a latitude of 43 degrees north, the city is known for its cold and snowy winters. The Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau has had to overcome various challenges peculiar to cold districts, such as water treatment in below zero temperatures and working with frozen pipes. Through these experiences the Bureau has built up an immense amount of expertise. In 2005, the Bureau launched "The Cold District Waterworks Course" in order to utilize its expertise and technologies for the benefit of cold districts in developing countries that suffer from chronic water shortages. Language for this program has been conducted in Russian.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
Period: January 16 to February 29, 2012
Main location: Sapporo City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Armenia South Regional Branch, Armenian Water and Sewerage, CJSC (2 person)
Tajikistan Laboratory on Testing Water Quality, Rural Water Supply Department, Ministry of Melioration and Water Resources (1person)
Tajikistan Multisectoral State Enterprise of Housing Services in Kayrokum City (1person)
Tajikistan State Unitary Enterprise "Khujand Vodokanal" (1person)
Tajikistan Deputy Director, State Enterprise of Housing Services "Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali" (1person)
(Total: 6 persons)
To provide training for waterworks personnel from cold districts in developing countries. Trainees develop a basic understanding of water as a resource, water intake, purification facilities, distribution facilities, supply facilities and so on, and learn about technologies for waterworks planning, design, installation, operation and maintenance, all in relation to cold weather areas. On completing the training, the trainees create an improvement action plan for their home countries.
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Design of purification plants, etc. for cold districts
Maintenance of pipelines
Water supply equipment for cold districts
Technology for breakup freezing in cold districts
Leakage prevention measures
Site tour of membrane processing facilities
Management for water quality
Practical training for purification, Jar test, etc
Overall operation of purification plants
Well-digging technologies
Ozonation plants
Problem analysis
Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Technology Exchange between Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau and the Shenyang Water Group Co. Ltd. 【Outline】 Sapporo City Water Bureau and Shenyang Water Group Co., Ltd (waterworks entity) have visited each other annually and alternately for the exchange of waterworks information and technology, according to the "Friendly Cooperation Agreement" signed in 1990 in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of their Friendship City Agreement affiliation.
Organizer: Sapporo City Implementing organization: Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau Period: September 10 to September 14, 2011 Main location: Sapporo City Participating organization and number of participants:
Shenyang City Shenyang City Water Group Co., Ltd. (5 persons)
(Total: 5 persons) Objective: Provide information on Sapporo’s waterworks business, facilities, etc., related to water quality control, pipe maintenance and other themes requested by Shenyang, aiming at contributing to the technology improvement of its waterworks business management. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, site tours, etc. in Shenyang city Topics covered: Operation and management of purification plants Management and monitoring of water resource and water quality
Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok 【Outline】 Thailand request loan assistance for the enlargement purification plant and installation of distribution pipes, which is called “Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok”, to JICA. The preliminary survey suggests that there is an urgent need to reduce water loss rate and reduction of water loss rate have effect which is equal to enlargement of facilities. In discussion with Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, to make more efficient use of aid project, it is need to assist for another area which include maintenance of distribution pipe, design of pipe, purification, etc. In cooperation with JICA, Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau (TMWB) have charge in Non-Revenue Water management, Nagoya City Water & Sewerage Bureau have charge in distribution management, Osaka Water Supply Authority have charge in purification & transmission technology. In 2011,TMWB have trained about ”Human Resource Development” and “Non-Revenue Water and Management” ,based on request of MWA
Name of Program: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok (purification and transmission technology) Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau Objective: To advance technology regarding leakage prevention measure Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -dispatching investigation team- Period: July 31 to August 6, 2011 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons) Training activities: Investigation and exchange of opinion in Thailand metropolitan area Topics covered: Investigation for planning of reducing non-revenue water, management of non-revenue water, human resource development
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -training in Japan- Period: October 3 to October 7, 2011 Main location: Tokyo, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Thailand Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, MWA (10 persons)
(Total: 10 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Classroom-based leaning about human resource development and participation in the Asia Human Resource Development Network Conference, etc
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -training in Japan- Period: January 16 to January 20, 2012 Main location: Tokyo, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Thailand Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, MWA (7 persons)
(Total: 7 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Explanation and discussion about non-revenue water, disaster prevention and outsourcing Site-tours to field of pipeline installation
Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Country Focused Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 South African Republic Waterworks Training 【Outline】 Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, as one of the most advanced utilities in the world, cooperated with JICA Program for South African Republic, by joining in the F.S. team, arranging training program and providing trainees from the country with practical lessons.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau Period: February 13 to February 24, 2012 Main location: Tokyo Participating organization and number of participants:
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC Moses Kotane Local Manicipality (1 persons)
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC Madibeng Local Manicipality (3 person)
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC Tlokwe City Counciil (3 person)
(Total: 7 persons) Objective: To improve waterworks operation skills on purification plant. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, Technical visit, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Water resource facilities and preservation Management and application of groundwater Running management Purification process and facilities Water quality management in water resource, microbial test Water quality management in purification plant Examination of water quality Water quality management in tap Water quality accidents response in water resource and purification plant Water quality accidents response Electric facilities management Electric training Mechanical facilities management Mechanical training
Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own
【Name of Program】JFY 2011 The Asia Human Resource Development Network Conference, A1-HRD
(4th Conference)
This Network consisting of waterworks utilities in Asian countries discusses the issues and measures concerning human development in each country in order to achieve mutual development.
The members of Network are Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, Waterworks Office of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea Water Resources Corporation, Taipei Water Department, Taiwan Water Corporation, Metropolitan Waterworks Authority of Thailand, College of Construction No.2, Viet Nam. In 2011, unveiled workshop was held in IWA-ASPIRE at 1st day, gathering more than 90 persons, meeting and site-visit were held in Training and Technical Development Center, Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government at 2nd day.
Organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
Implementing organization: Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau
Period: October 5 to October 6, 2011
Main location: Tokyo
Participating organization and number of participants:
KOREA Korea Water Resources Corporation (2 persons)
TAIWAN Taipei Water Department (3 persons)
TAIWAN Taiwan Water Corporation (2 persons)
THAILAND Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (10 persons)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau (7 persons)
(Total: 24 persons)
This Network consisting of waterworks utilities in Asian countries discusses the issues and measures concerning human development in each country in order to achieve mutual development.
Training activities: Workshop and site tours, etc. in Japan
Topics covered:
Question and Answer about presentation
Exchange opinions
Site tours
Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Yokohama Water Works Bureau’s Technical Cooperation for Socialist Republic of Vietnam 【Outline】 Under JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project, the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau of the City of Yokohama first provided the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with support from fiscal 2000 to 2003 with regard to establishing the Water Sector Training Center run by the College of Construction No.2, which is under the authority of the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction. In fiscal 2002, the Bureau received trainees from Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-One Member Company Limited (COWASU), which is a water utility operated by Hue City, a member of CITYNET (The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements). From fiscal 2003 to 2005, the Bureau implemented a JICA Partnership Program for COWASU and Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) (then Ho Chi Minh City Water Supply Company). In fiscal 2007 and 2008, the Bureau conducted the Project on Human Resources Development for Water Sector in the Middle Region of Vietnam, a JICA Technical Cooperation Project, for COWASU. From fiscal 2009 to 2011, the Bureau has been promoting its contribution activities by concluding a “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation for Water Supply” with COWASU, SAWACO, and the Water Sector Training Center of the College of Construction No.2 under the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction.
Name of Program: Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation for Water Supply Organizer: Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited Saigon Water Corporation College of Construction No.2, Water Sector Training Center in the South Implementing organization: Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State-owned One Member Company Limited Saigon Water Corporation College of Construction No.2, Water Sector Training Center in the South Objective: To improve the business management of water utilities in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and enhance problem-solving skills of the Yokohama Water Works Bureau’s personnel for conducting international cooperation activities
Name of activity: Seminar on fostering human resources and application of IT system in water utilities and discussion about training in Yokohama and hence theme of activities. Period: November 20 to November 27, 2011 Main location: Hue City, Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City Participating organization and number of participants:
Yokohama City Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau (2 persons)
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State One Member Company Limited (many persons)
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City Saigon Water Corporation (many persons)
Ministry of Construction College of Construction No.2, Water Sector Training Center in the South (many persons)
Others water utilities in the Vietnam (many persons) (Total: many persons) Training activities: Dispatching staff for local investigation and seminar presentations Topics covered: Fostering human resources Introduction of IT system to Water Utilities Other
Name of activity: Training in Japan Period: July 4 to July 15, 2011
Main locations: Yokohama City
Participating organization and number of participants:
Hue City Thua Thien Hue Construction and Water Supply State One Member Company Limited (1 persons)
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City Gia Dinh Water Supply Joint Stock Company (1 person)
(Total: 3 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Promotion Activities Water tariff Water meter reading Utilization and reflection of PIs Fostering human resources Practical training for Non-Revenue water and water leakage prevention and detection Other
Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
【Category】 JICA training with each problem 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Seminar on Urban Water Service Management and Human Resource Development in the Asian Region 【Outline】 This seminar was held in January 2010 as a follow-up project for the “Executive Forum for Enhancing the Sustainability of Urban Water Service in the Asian Region,” which had been jointly held by the city of Yokohama and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In this seminar, Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau, in cooperation with the JICA, provided training through which participants acquired knowledge for the sound management of waterworks and shared experience and ideas with each other, contributing to improving the management skills of water supply corporations that had received Japan’s ODA and other support.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Yokohama Water Co,. Ltd.・ Yokohama Water Works Bureau Period: January 21 to February 2, 2012 Main location: Yokohama City Participating organization and number of participants:
BANGLADESH Chittagong Water Supply and Sewertage Authority, CWASA (2 person)
BANGLADESH Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, KWASA (1 person)
INDIA Dhlhi Jal Board, New Dehi (1 person)
INDIA Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board, New Delhi (1 person)
INDIA Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Varanasi (1 person)
INDIA Government of Assam (1 person)
NEPAL Ministry of Physical Planning and Work (2 person)
PAKISTAN Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (1 person)
PAKISTAN Water Sanitation Agency, Faisalabad (1 person)
SRI LANKA Ministry of Water Supply & Drainage (2 person)
SRI LANKA Norty Western Provincial Council Engineer Department (1 person)
(Total: 14 person) Objective: To acquire management knowledge, information, and methods for the improvement of business operations from each other and to use these for their water-supply businesses in their respective countries Training activities: Classroom-based learning, open panel discussions, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Review of the Executive Forum for Enhancing the Sustainability of Urban Water Service in the Asian Region Water resource management to improve water supply business Human resource development Sustainable operation of water supply business Activities to improve customer services Others
Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Training with Each Problem 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Urban Waterworks Engineering 【Outline】 The 4th Tokyo International Conference on African Development(TICAD Ⅳ)held in Yokohama in May 2008 marked the start of the Yokohama Water Works Bureau’s three-year project for training waterworks professionals from African countries. In 2011 October, Yokohama city entered into agreement of comprehensive partnerships with JICA. And Yokohama Water Works Bureau will conduct 3-years training project to contribute to improve waterworks in Africa under the enhanced partnerships and also promote technical support through improvement of water system in Africa for TICAD V which will be held in 2013 June, in Yokohama City.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Yokohama City Waterworks Bureau, Yokohama Water Co,. Ltd. Period: November 10 to December 2, 2011 Main location: Yokohama City Participating organization and number of participants:
ERITREA Ministry of Land, Water and Environment (2 person)
GHANA Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (1 person)
GHANA Ghana Water Company Limited (1 person)
SIERRA LEONE Sierra Leone Water Company, SALWACO (1 person)
SIERRA LEONE Guma Valley Water Company (1 person)
SUDAN Kassala State Water Corporation (1 person)
TANZANIA Zanzibar Water Authority, ZAWA (2 person)
(Total: 9 persons) Objective: To raise awareness among the trainee water engineers about the need to manage water utilities from a comprehensive perspective and to encourage them share this awareness and the specific improvement measures developed in accordance with this principle with their colleagues back home Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Tour of water-intake/storage/transmission and distribution facility Water quality management Leakage prevention measures/leakage detection training Purification Water resource preservation Water right/water supply planning/water demand prediction Distribution management Operation and maintenance of water service installation Water meter management Other
Yokohama Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Waterworks Technical Exchange Program 【Outline】 The Cities of Yokohama and Shanghai have promoted friendly exchanges in a variety of areas since becoming sister cities in 1973 and have achieved a number of positive outcomes. On October 26, 2008, the Cities signed the Yokohama-Shanghai Friendship Agreement with the aim of further developing their friendship exchanges. Under this agreement, the City of Yokohama provides general technological training to water engineers from Shanghai.
Organizer: Yokohama Water Works Bureau Implementing organization: Yokohama Water Works Bureau
Period: July 4, July 15, 2011 Main location: Yokohama City Participating organization and number of participants:
Shanghai City Shanghai Water Company, SWC (1 person)
(Total: 1 person) Objective: To improve the management of Shanghai’s water utility by empowering its personnel to come up with solutions through the problem-solving training provided by the City of Yokohama Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc in Japan. Topics covered: Promotion Activities Water tariff Water meter reading Utilization and reflection of PIs Fostering human resources Practical training for Non-Revenue water and water leakage prevention and detection Other
Saitama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own 【Name of Program】JFY 2011 Seminar in Advancement Water Sector in Laos 【Outline】 The Seminar was held in Laos, as a summary of technical cooperation which has continued for 20 years from 1992 and a first step of collaboration and cooperation with Japanese industries and utilities, in order to improve water utilities. In this seminar, Saitama City Waterworks Bureau entered into Memorandum of Understanding with Vientiane Capital City Waterworks aiming to develop and strengthen water supply in Laos. Organizer: Saitama City Waterworks Bureau/ Vientiane Capital City Waterworks Implementing organization: Saitama City Waterworks Bureau/ Vientiane Capital City Waterworks Period: December 26, 2011 Main location: Vientiane Capital City Participating organization and number of participants:
Laos Vientiane Capital City Waterworks
Laos Ministry of Public Woks Project
Laos every Prefecture Waterworks
Laos Jica Laos Office
Saitama City Saitama City Waterworks Bureau
Japan Delegation party from Saitama City
Japan Japan Global Center for Urban Sanitation
Japan Japanese Company related water industries
(Total: 97 persons) Objective: To improve technical capabilities of the Laos, including collaboration with Japanese industries and waterworks Training activities: Providing Seminar in Vientiane Capital City Laos Topics covered: Reporting regarding water advanced and appropriate technology Reporting regarding sanitation oversea project etc Track of Saitama city waterworks bureau technical cooperation with Laos Current situation and problem of Laos water supply Vision of JICA regarding water sector MOU Conclusion regarding cooperation to improve water sector in Saitama City Waterworks Bureau and Vientiane Capital City Waterworks
Saitama City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own 【Name of Program】JFY 2011 Saitama City and Vientiane Capital City Waterworks Friendship Program 【Outline】 In the final seminar in Laos to conclude the JICA grassroots technical cooperation project (based on a local proposal), which have taken place from JFY 2006 to 2008, Vientiane Capital City Waterworks requested a new exchange training program which target mid-level staff, bearers of the future of the Waterworks, with an aim to continue technical cooperation and friendship. In JFY 2009, the bureau and the Waterworks officially decided to implement the two-year Friendship Program from JFY 2010 to 2011 on the basis of this request. The second year of the Program is now over.
Organizer: Saitama City Waterworks Bureau/ Vientiane Capital City Waterworks Implementing organization: Saitama City Waterworks Bureau/ Vientiane Capital City Waterworks Period: September 26 to November 12, 2011 in Saitama City December 5 to December 28, 2011 in Vientiane Capital City Main location: Saitama City/ Vientiane City Laos Participating organization and number of participants:
Saitama City Saitama City Waterworks Bureau (2 persons)
Vientiane City Vientiane Capital City Waterworks (2 persons)
(Total: 4 persons) Objective: To improve job performance of both mid-level staff Training activities: Exchanging two staff members with each other and providing clerical and technical training and site tours of related facilities Topics covered: 〈Saitama City〉 Aged-pipe renewal planning Mapping system Workflow from reading a meter to payment service Other 〈Vientiane City〉 Facility tours Survey and follow-up for Planning of improvement, which was made by Laos trainees Others
Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok 【Outline】 Although water demand was increasing in Bangkok metropolitan area and this project was adopted, the reduction of leakage rate etc were add to this project as new condition, Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau have charge in leakage prevention, Osaka Water Supply Authority have charge in management of purification plant, Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau have charge in maintenance of distribution pipe.
Name of Program: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -dispatching experts- Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Nagoya City Water & Sewerage Bureau Objective: To advance technology regarding maintenance of distribution pipes
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -dispatching investigation team- Period: July 31 to August 7, 2011 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Nagoya City Water & Sewer Bureau (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Investigation and learning-class in Bangkok metropolitan area Topics covered: Invastigation for the circumstance of distributin pipes
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in
Bangkok -training in Japan-
Period: October 4 to November 2, 2011 Main location: Nagoya City, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Thailand Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (8 persons)
(Total: 8 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, Technical visit, etc in Japan Topics covered: Training regarding technology and know-how about maintenance of distribution pipes
Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Project of Improvement Water Supply Service in Maminasata Metropolitan Ares, Sulawesi Province, Indonesia 【Outline】 Since 2009, this Project had been launched and now Okayama City Waterworks Bureau, Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd. and Koei Resesrch Institute are joining to provide technical cooperation regarding water supply technology and skill etc
Name of Program: Project of Improvement Water Supply Service in Maminasata Metropolitan Ares, Sulawesi Province, Indonesia Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau Objective: To advance the overall technology of water supply Name of activity: Survey on evaluation of technical cooperation in Maminasata Metropolitan Area Period: November 16 to November 27, 2011 Main location: Maminasata Metropolitan Area, Sulawesi State, Indonesia Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau (1 persons)
(Total: 1 persons) Training activities: Analyzing documentation and date, interview Topics covered: Survey on evaluation of technical cooperation in Maminasata Metropolitan Area
Name of activity: Technical cooperation to Maminasata Metropolitan Area -training in Japan - Period: May 27 to June 3, 2011 Main location: Nagoya City, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Indonesia Ministry of public works (1 persons)
Indonesia Government of south Sulawesi province (1 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based training, practical training and site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Management technology for water system Management of block distributing system Other
Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Non-Revenue Water Management 【Outline】 This program marked its 16th anniversary in 2011, having trained 164 people from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Countries in these areas have particularly high rates of around 30 to 50 percents of non-revenue water. Trying to find ways to work out this has become a commonly shared concern. To address the issue, Nagoya City provides this training mainly targeted at technical personnel with the aim of contributing to the improvement of technologies and skills required for leakage prevention measures in all phases of waterworks operation, including planning, design and maintenance.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Nagoya City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau Period: November 14 to December 16, 2011 Main location: Nagoya City Participating organization and number of participants:
BOLIVIA Cooperativa de Servicios Publicos Santa Cruz Ltda, SAGUAPAC (1 person)
BOLIVIA Municipal Service of Water Supply and Sewerage Cochabamba, SEMAPA (1 person)
BRAZILCia de Saneamento do Parana, SANEPAR (1 person)
BRAZIL Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo, SABESP (1 person)
EGYPT Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (1 person)
INDONESIA Ministry of Public Works (2 persons)
KENYA Kilifi Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company (1 person)
MALAYSIA National Water Services Commission (1 person)
MYANMAR Yangon City Development Committee, Y.C.D.C (1 person)
RWANDA Energy Water and sanitation Authority, EWSA (1 person)
TANZANIA Zanzibar Water Authority, ZAWA (1 person)
ZAMBIA Westen Water and Sewerage Company (1 person)
ZAMBIA Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company (1 person)
(Total: 14 persons) Objective: To teach trainees about Japan’s methods and systems for waterworks maintenance so that they may apply what they learn in their work practices in their home countries. Training activities: Classroom-based training, practical training and site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Leakage prevention measures during the planning phase Leakage prevention measures during the design phase Leakage prevention measures during the construction and maintenance phase Technical training on pipe joining, snap tap drilling and assembly of water supply equipment Practical training on leakage detection using various detectors Technical training on Pump maintenances Field trip to purification plants and the like Site tour of pipe, meter, valve, etc. manufacturing plant Other
Osaka City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Group Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply Systems 【Outline】 Since 1994, Osaka City Waterworks Bureau through this program has helped ensure a stable supply of safe drinking water in urban areas in developing countries by promoting the effective utilization of existing waterworks facilities. As of the 2011 program, the numbers of participants came up to 148 from 55 countries to date.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau Period: June 13 to July 29, 2011 Main location: Osaka City Participating organization and number of participants:
BANGULADESH Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (1 person)
BORIBIA Public company for Water and Sanitation Corporation (1 persons)
CAMBODIA Sihanouk Province Water Supply (1 person)
CAMBODIA Battambang Water Supply (1 person)
FIJI Water Authority of Fiji (1 persons)
PAKISTAN apital Development Authority (1 persons)
PHILIPPINES Metropolitan Cebu Water District (1 person)
TURKEY Ankara Water & Sewerage Administration (1 person)
ZAMBIA Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company LTD. (1 person)
(Total: 11 persons) Objective: To assist in the professional development of technical staff responsible for the maintenance of urban waterworks facilities by providing information on Japanese waterworks projects Training activities: Classroom-based lectures, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Water purification Operation management and maintenance of purification plants Water quality control Maintenance of electric and machinery facilities Maintenance of pipelines Maintenance of water service installations Practical training on various types of pipeline maintenance work Practical training on water leak detection Practical training on leakage repair Site tour to purification plant Site tour to waterworks memorial hall Site tour to waterworks equipment manufacturing plant
Osaka City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Water Utilities Program by its own 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Waterworks Technology Exchange between Osaka City and Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City【Outline】 Osaka City Waterworks Bureau has implemented technical exchange through acceptance of water supply technician, site-tour to facilities, and training classes for water supply technology, under MOU which had been signed an agreement between Osaka City Waterworks Bureau and Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) in December 9, 2009. This technical exchange aims to solve water supply problem in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City.
Organizer: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau, Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) Implementing organization: Osaka City Waterworks Bureau, Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) Period: September 27 to September 30, 2011 Main location: Osaka City, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) City Saigon Water Corporation (SAWACO) (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Objective: To contribute to sustainability of both water supply business by exchanging information and opinions Training activities: Classroom-based learning, exchanging information and site-tours in Osaka City Topics covered: Outline of both water works Presentation and discussion regarding method of human resource development Site-tour to facilities for training Other
Osaka Water Supply Authority
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok 【Outline】 Thailand request loan assistance for the enlargement purification plant and installation of distribution pipes, which is called “Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok”, to JICA. The preliminary survey suggests that there is an urgent need to reduce water loss rate and reduction of water loss rate have effect which is equal to enlargement of facilities. In discussion with Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, to make more efficient use of aid project, it is need to assist for another area which include maintenance of distribution pipe, design of pipe, purification, etc. In cooperation with JICA, Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau have charge in Non-Revenue Water management, Nagoya City Water & Sewerage Bureau have charge in distribution management, Osaka Water Supply Authority have charge in purification & transmission technology
Name of Program: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok (purification and transmission technology) Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Osaka Water Supply Authority Objective: To advance technology regarding purification, transmission management, water quality management
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -dispatching investigation team- Period: July 31 to August 6, 2011 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Osaka Water Supply Authority (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Investigation and exchange of opinion in Thailand metropolitan area Topics covered: Invastigation for the circumstance of purification, technology transmission management, water quality management
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -dispatching investigation team- Period: February 19 to February 25, 2012 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Osaka Water Supply Authority (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Investigation and exchange of opinion in Thailand metropolitan area Topics covered: Technical support for risk management of purification and monitoring water quality
Name of activity: JICA Aid project for maintenance of water supply in Bangkok -training in Japan- Period: September 26 to October 20, 2011 Main location: Osaka, Japan Participating organization and number of participants:
Thailand Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, MWA (10 persons)
(Total: 10 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Training for technology and know-how of purification , transmissin management, water quality management
Osaka Water Supply Authority
【Category】JICA Disaster Relief team 【Name of Program】JFY2011 JICA Disaster Relief team of Experts against flood damage in Thailand 【Outline】 Osaka Water Supply Authority dispatched staff to Thailand as JICA Disaster Relief team of Experts due to the huge flood, under request from JICA through Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Name of Program: JICA Disaster Relief team of Experts against flood damage in Thailand Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Osaka Water Supply Authority Objective: To provide training, advice and suggestion for operation, maintenance and management of purification plant in water quality aspect at the time of huge flood.
Name of activity: JICA Disaster Relief team of Experts against flood damage in Thailand (Phase 1) Period: October 26 to November 8, 2011 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Osaka Water Supply Authority (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Emergency aid for flood in Bangkok City, Thailand Topics covered: Investigation into condition of purification plant in Metropolitan Waterwoks Authority(MWA) Technical advice about water quality management and purification Transmission of information to Japanese Embassy and Japanese residents overseas etc
Name of activity: JICA Disaster Relief team of Experts against flood damage in Thailand (Phase 2) Period: November 6 to November 19, 2011 Main location: Bangkok City, Thailand Participating organization and number of participants:
Japan Osaka Water Supply Authority (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons) Training activities: Emergency aid for flood in Bangkok City, Thailand Topics covered: Investigation into the condition of purification plant in Metropolitan Waterwoks Authority(MWA) Technical advice regarding water quality management and purification Transmission of information to Japanese Embassy and Japanese residents overseas etc
Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Iraq Maintenance of Distribution Pipeline and Leakage Prevention 【Outline】 Since 2003, Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau have contributed to improve water system in Middle East through the training on design, management, and maintenance of water supply to conduct training course target for engineers of water supply in this area with JICA. In 2011, Training on leakage prevention and maintenance of distribution pipes was carried out to engineers who is hands-on design, management and maintenance.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Hiroshima City Waterworks Bureau Period: November 7 to November 18, 2011 Main location: Hiroshima City Participating organization and number of participants:
Iraq Ninevah Water Directorate, General Water Directorate, Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (1 person)
Iraq Diyala Water Directorate, Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (1 person)
Iraq Najaf Water Directorate, Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (1 person)
Iraq Thigar Water Directorate, Jibaish Water Center (1 person)
Iraq Sulaymaniyah Water Directorate, Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (1 person)
Iraq Dohuk Water Directorate, Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (1 person)
(Total: 6 persons) Objective: Contribution to the improvement of performance of water supply design and maintenance in Iraq by understanding of current states of technology and maintenance of water supply facilities in Hiroshima city. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Presentation of job report Overview Leakage prevention Maintenance of distribution pipe network Other
Shimonoseki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】Sister City Exchange Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Technical Exchange Program with Qingdao Hairun Waterworks Group Co., Ltd. 【Outline】 This mutual exchange program for technical personnel, first started in June 2000, marked its 12th anniversary in 2011. The acceptance of 24 technical persons into the program has contributed to technological improvements in waterworks operations at the same time as facilitating friendship exchange between the two sister cities of Qingdao and Shimonoseki.
Organizer: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City Implementing organization: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City Period: October 26 to November 9, 2011 Main location: Shimonoseki City, Qingdao City Participating organization and number of participants:
Shimonoseki City Staff of Shimonoseki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau (2 persons)
Qingdao City Qingdao Hairun Waterworks Group Co., Ltd. (2 persons)
(Total: 4 persons) Objective: To facilitate technological improvements in waterworks operations and promote friendly relations between sister cities Qingdao and Shimonoseki by exchanging technical personnel and working together on common challenges and other issues faced by waterworks utilities. Training activities: Dispatch of two personnel from each city to the partner city Topics covered: 〈Shimonoseki〉 Planning and design of waterworks facilities Maintenance of supply and distribution pipes Maintenance of purification plants Management of water quality Other 〈Qingdao〉 Training program focused on technical aspects
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Providing Cambodia with Technical Cooperation 【Outline】 Since fiscal 1999, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau has been dispatching experts to Cambodia under JICA programs and contributing to the enhancement of operational, maintenance, and management technologies of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA). Since fiscal 2003, the Bureau has also contributed to fostering the PPWSA’s human resources under JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project. Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau is currently participating in JICA’s project to expand the achievement of PPWSA project, which has already proven successful, to another eight regional cities in Cambodia.
Name of Program: The Project on Capacity Building for Water Supply System in Cambodia Phase 2 Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau Objective: To foster human resources development with the aim of enhancing the capacity of water authorities of eight major cities in Cambodia with regard to water distribution management, proper operation, maintenance, and management of purification plants, and water quality management
Name of activity: The Project on Capacity Building for Water Supply System in Cambodia Phase 2
- Dispatching experts - Period: April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Main location: Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Cham, Kampot, Kompong Thom, Svay Rieng Participating organization and number of participants:
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Chief Advisor (1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Purification Process (2 persons)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Water Quality Laboratory (2 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Pipeline Installation (2 persons)
Cambodia Department of Potable Water Supply, Ministry of Industry, Mining and Energy (many persons)
Siem Reap City Siem Reap City Water Supply Authority (many persons)
Shianoukville City Shianoukville City Waterworks (many persons)
Battambang City Battambang City Waterworks (many persons)
Pursat City Pursat City Waterworks (many persons)
Kampong Cham City Kampong Cham City Waterworks (many persons)
Kampot City Kampot City Waterworks (many persons)
Kompong Thom City Kompong Thom City Waterworks (many persons)
Svay Rieng City Svay Rieng City Waterworks (many persons)
(Total: many persons) Training activities: Dispatching expert to Cambodia Topics covered: Operation technology of purification Water Quality Analysis Pipeline installation Other
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Technical Cooperation to Haiphong City, Vietnam - A grass-roots technical cooperation “Advancement of purification technology against organic substance” - 【Outline】 In fiscal 2010, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau started technical cooperation to Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited under relationships of friendships with Haiphong City. Since then, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau have contributed to advancement of purification technology against organic substance by utilizing JICA and the Project of CLAIR.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau Period: June 14 to June 28, 2011 Main location: Haiphong City, Vietnam Participating organization and number of participants:
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Advisor of purification technology against organic substance(1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Chief Advisor of water quality analysis (1 person)
Haiphong City Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited. (Many persons)
(Total: many persons) Objective: To conduct demonstration experiment and foster human resources to improve purification technology against organic substance contained in poor raw water. Training activities: Dispatching experts to Haiphong City, Vietnam Topics covered: Purification technology against organic substance Water quality analysis Others
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Technical Cooperation to Haiphong City, Vietnam - A grass-roots technical cooperation “Advancement of purification technology against organic substance” - 【Outline】 In fiscal 2010, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau started technical cooperation to Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited under relationships of friendships with Haiphong City. Since then, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau have contributed to advancement of purification technology against organic substance by utilizing JICA and the Project of CLAIR.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau Period: June 14 to June 28, 2011 Main location: Haiphong City, Vietnam Participating organization and number of participants:
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Advisor of purification technology against organic substance(1 person)
Kitakyushu City Kitakyushu city Waterworks Bureau Chief Advisor of water quality analysis (1 person)
Haiphong City Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited. (Many persons)
(Total: many persons) Objective: To conduct demonstration experiment and foster human resources to improve purification technology against organic substance contained in poor raw water. Training activities: Dispatching experts to Haiphong City, Vietnam Topics covered: Purification technology against organic substance Water quality analysis Others
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】CLAIR/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Providing Haiphong City, Vietnam with Technical Cooperation -Project of exchanging municipal employee- 【Outline】 In fiscal 2010, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau started technical cooperation to Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited under relationships of friendships with Haiphong City. Since then, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau have contributed to advancement of purification technology against organic substance by utilizing JICA and the Project of CLAIR. Organizer: CLAIR Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau Period: July 7 to December 3, 2011 Main location: Haiphong City, Vietnam Participating organization and number of participants:
Hai Phong City Haiphong Water Supply One Member Company Limited. (1 person)
(Total:1 person) Objective: Fosterage human resources to improve purification technology against organic substance contained in poor raw water Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Purification technology against organic substance Water quality analysis The overall water supply Others
Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program
【Name of Program】JFY2011 Human resource development of water supply in Dalian City for purpose of technical cooperation with China "Special training"
Since fiscal 2001, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau (KCWB) have started technical cooperation to Dalian city and contributed to leakage prevention and improvement of water quality of the Dalian city under JICA and CLAIR programs from the fact that Kitakyushu City and Dalian City have friendship cities relations. Since fiscal 2008, KCWB have also contributed to technical cooperation in eight regional cities around Dalian city, in cooperating with Kitakyushu Water & Sewer Association.
Organizer: JICA
Implementing organization: Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau, Kitakyushu Water & Sewer Association, Dalian Water Supply Co.Ltd
Period: October 12 to December 2, 2011
Main location: Kitakyushu City, Japan
Participating organization and number of participants:
Dalian City Dalian Water Supply Co.Ltd (2 persons)
(Total: 2 persons)
To cultivate leadership human resource for purpose of technical cooperation to peripheral of Dalian
Training activities: Classroom-based learning, Technical visit, etc in Japan.
Topics covered:
Operation and management of purification plant
Water quality management
Nagasaki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau
【Category】Friendship City Exchange Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Fuzhou City Waterworks Technology Exchange 【Outline】 In 1980, Nagasaki City affiliated Friendship City Agreement with Fuzhou City. In 1990, as part of their friendship city projects, they started a wide variety of exchange activities for the improvement and activation of waterworks businesses in both cities. They have enhanced their friendly relations through alternate dispatch of a delegation, opinion exchange, on-site tours, etc. Though the training was postponed due to scheduling problems in 2008, the year Sichuan China Earthquake occurred, it was restarted in 2009.In 2011, event was carried out by both city, as the 20th anniversary of technical exchange and the 120th anniversary of foundation Nagasaki City.
Organizer: Nagasaki City, Fuzhou City. Implementing organization: Nagasaki City Waterworks & Sewerage Bureau, Fuzhou City Water, Ltd. Period: October 3 to October 6, 2011 Main location: Nagasaki City Participating organization and number of participants:
Fuzhou Water Co., Ltd. (2 persons)
Fuzhou secondary water tap Limited (1 person)
Fuzhou People's Government Foreign Affairs Benten public rooms (1 person)
(Total: 4 person) Objective: To conduct a wide variety of exchange activities as part of the friendship City projects between Nagasaki and Fuzhou, aiming at activating waterworks businesses in both cities through the study of waterworks technology and inspection tour to relevant facilities. Training activities: Opinion exchange, site tour, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Memorable event as the 20th anniversary of technical exchange Outline of Nagasaki City Waterworks Management of purification plant and monitoring water quality of resource Maintenance and management of facilities Leakage prevention measure Water quality standards of drinking water Measure against water-bloom (Microcystis) Site-tours to dam, purification plant, distribution reservoir, pumping station, reducing pressure water tank, etc
Okinawa Prefecture Enterprise Bureau
【Category】JICA Region Focused Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Water Conservation Management in Island Areas 【Outline】 Acceptance of trainees from water utilities, in cooperation between JICA Okinawa and Okinawa Water Supply Agency, aiming at international exchanges and international cooperation through technical transfer regarding effective water system in Pacific islands area.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Okinawa Prefecture Enterprise Bureau Period: July 19 to September 2, 2011 Main location: Okinawa Prefecture Participating organization and number of participants:
COOK ISLANDS Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning Waterworks Division (1 person)
FIJI Ministry of Works, Transport and Public Utilities, Department of Water and Sewerage (1 person)
FIJI Water Authority of Fiji, Rural and Outer Island Division (1 person)
MARSHALL ISLANDS Environmental Protection Authority, Water Quality Laboratory (1 person)
NAURU Nauru Utilities Authority Water Operations (1 person)
NIUE Public Works, Water Supply Division (1 person)
SAMOA Samoa Water Authority, Operation Division (1 person)
SAMOA Samoa Water Authority, Rural Operations Division (1 person)
SAMOA Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, Water Resource Division (1 person)
SOLOMON Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Water Resources Division (1 persons)
SOLOMON Solomon Islands Water Authority, Operation Division (1 persons)
TONGA Tonga Water Board, Engineering Division (1 person)
TONGA Ministry of Lands, Survey & Natural Resources, Geology Unit (1 person)
(Total: 13 persons) Objective: To build their capacities of high adjustability water supply in island area. And to suggest action plan as achievements of this training in own country to improve their performance. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Site-tour to water resource facilities Water resource preservation/Water-resource development Site-tour to purification facilities and practical training of purification facilities Classroom-based learning about measures against water leakage and uncollected revenue Investigation of water leakage and practical training for repairs Water Quality Management Preparation planning for water facilities Other
Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau
【Category】JICA/Utilities cooperation 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Miyako-jima’s Water Supply Model Project in Samoa 【Outline】 The project have been implemented from JFY 2010 to 2012 as a JICA grassroots technical cooperation project based on a local proposal, providing Samoa Water Authority (SWA) with guidance on proper management technologies for the ecological water purification system (slow filtration) and leak prevention technologies. Through the program, the executive and engineering staff of SWA receive training in Japan, and Japanese experts are sent to Samoa to provide technical guidance. Name of Program: Miyako-jima’s Water Supply Model Project in Samoa Organizer: JICA Training Provider: Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau Objective: To have trainees gain waterworks related technical knowledge and improve their management know-how by providing guidance on the basic principles and maintenance management technologies of the ecological water purification system (slow filtration), leak prevention measures, and a rate collecting system adopted in water utilities in Miyakojima and other cities in Okinawa prefecture.
Name of activity: Training in Japan Period: July 19 to September 2, 2011(targeting technical staff) July 28 to August 19, 2011 (targeting executive staff) Main location: Miyakojima City, Ishigaki City, Okinawa City Participating organization and number of participants:
SAMOA Samoa Water Authority (3 persons)
(Total: 3 persons) Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan Topics covered: Technical guidance and classroom-based learning on the slow sand filter system Practical training on renewal of filter surface (acquisition of know-how) Detecting and repairing leakage Mapping system Management of the purification facility (including practical training) Other
Name of activity: Dispatching experts -training measure for leakage and mapping- Period: November 5 to November 28, 2011 Recipient: Apia, Samoa Participating organization and number of participants:
Miyakojima City Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau staff (4 persons)
Nago City, Fuji Surface Information Ltd., (1 person each)
(Total: 6 persons) Training activities: Verifying the actual situation and providing technical guidance by dispatching experts Topics covered: Field survey for drawing sheet of pipes and guidance for drawing sheet Technical guidance on leakage detection and repairs Survey situation of water resource
Name of activity: Dispatching experts - training management of purification plant - Period: February 4 to February 19, 2012 Recipient: Apia, Samoa Participating organization and number of participants:
Miyakojima City Miyakojima City Waterworks Bureau staff (2 persons)
Shinshu University, and Community Water Supply Support Center of Japan (1 person each) (Total: 6 persons) Training activities: Verifying the actual situation and providing technical guidance by dispatching experts Topics covered: Field survey for muddy water in rainy season and analysis for basis water quality Guidance of appropriate management of purification plant which have ecological purification system or slow filter system (measure against muddy water, resanding, management of water height and quantity for flow)
Japan Water Works Associtaion
【Category】JICA Group Training Program 【Name of Program】JFY2011 Engineering on Water Supply Systems 【Outline】 This technical training program for mid-level waterworks engineers from developing countries has been held for many years. The program of this year marks 44th one. So far a total of 556 trainees from about 90 countries and regions have participated. The program features a number of observation tours and drills to enable trainees to see with their own eyes the technologies adopted in Japan and gain hands-on experience with the aim of offering practical training.
Organizer: JICA Implementing organization: Japan Water Works Association Period: May 16 to July 26, 2011 Main location: Tokyo Participating organization and number of participants:
EGYPT Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, HCWW (1 person)
ERITREA Asmara Water Supply & Sanitation Department (1 person)
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Water & Sewerage Authority (1 person)
LAOS Water Supply Regulatory Office, Head of Technical Regulatory (1 person)
MALAWI Technical Services Department, Center Region Water Board (1 person)
MONGOLIA Water Supply and Sewerage System of Darkhan City, Department of Techniques and Service (1 person)
MYAMAR Mandalay City Development Committee (1 person)
NEPAL Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (1 person)
PHILIPPINES Metropolitan Cebu Water District (1 person)
(Total: 11 persons) Objective: To foster the development of engineers who will take on leading roles in the operation of waterworks facilities, focusing on the acquisition of skills for preparing construction plans for waterworks facilities. Training activities: Classroom-based learning, practical training, site tours, etc. in Japan. Topics covered: Facilities for water intake, storage, transmission, and distribution Jar test Leakage prevention measures Drills on preparation of basic waterworks plan Tour of a waterworks materials and equipment manufacturing plant Earthquake-resistant construction method and earthquake disaster countermeasures Groundwater technology Membrane process technology Water demand prediction and pipeline hydraulics Other